Prude side effect

Explicit sexual intimacy is mostly expected to remain hidden and private in our love culture. While this secrecy is a necessity for cheating correctly, it also aids rapists and assailants in abusing their victims and getting away with it.

The unspoken assertion of indecency impedes proper education about good and respectful intercourse from the get-go. When porn is the only available external reference for what is acceptable, many victims tolerate varying degrees of the inappropriate, not knowing better.

And apart from spaces that invite open sexuality, privacy remains the only acceptable location for intercourse. You are forced to go on your own, regardless of how much you actually trust the person of your desire. When you are alone, nobody can help you.

This is truly convenient for all kinds of predators. For their success it is enough to emulate social conduct until absence of witnesses is reached.

Why Bitcoin cannot cure the wealth inequality

You might have heard some of these or similar claims about Bitcoin:

It can reclaim the money from the evil banks.
It can catapult the poor into sudden abundance.
It deals a new hand of cards.
It puts you back in power.
The same old lies.™

While none of them is strictly false I have a problem with these statements and the underlying message especially.

I don’t consider myself an investor and much less an expert on trading and market dynamics. And I don’t need to be one, because the underlying principles are extremely simple. For the point that I am making it is enough to understand that a crypto currency is a token, which can be owned and freely traded on the open market. Everyone is always free to place an offer or to accept a standing offer that fits their needs. So if you have $ and want bitcoin you either announce that you are willing to exchange a certain amount at a certain rate and wait for someone to agree on that, or you directly find and accept one of the existing offers to trade BTC for $. That is the basic mechanism that has been used to exchange all kinds of goods and services for thousands of years. So far pretty fair and equal, eh?

The catch is this:
The price of a trade item is never inherent to or derived from the item itself.
The price is created and derived from the market!
Our perception of monetary values is the natural balance that establishes itself because few people want so sell their goods for less then they can get and even fewer people want to pay more than they have to.

Now imagine you have a Billion $. Imagine bitcoin gets traded around 1000$. Now what could you do? You could offer to buy a bitcoin for 1050$. It is a good strategy if you need your coin quickly and don’t mind paying some extra, because for sure very soon someone will take this advantageous deal. So that’s how it will look like to others too. But what happens if you immediately add a second offer and a third, maybe even up the price to 1060$ this time? You see where this is going…
Go ahead and automate it. You could do this 1000 times for only little more than 1%1 of your capital. On any common trading platform all those transactions are visible to the public. But not the identities of the contractors, only the volume and the exchange price.

Who will still want to sell their bitcoin for 1000$ now? Other people will naturally start asking for higher price too. And they will easily find buyers because hey, didn’t the value just increase 6% in only a few hours?! All those deals and the rising price will generate even more interest in bitcoin so increased demand further increases the price. To add further momentum to the rolling ball you can now already start selling back some of the 1000 coins you bought, already at a profit and with those gains you can immediately buy back in, creating even more volume, more momentum, more hype.

In all that chaos it is only the trading platform who can easily figure out whether most of the initial trade volume is connected to a single or very few clients. But since the trading platform earns on a small fee that incurs on every single trade, their motivation to put a stop to this will be sort of limited.

But any manic craze can only fly so high. Once the illusion begins to crumble you sell off the majority of your coins, and you do it fast. Because once over the point of no return the free fall has started and it wont stop. Not until the price is so low that the first people will buy back in again at what a is very attractive price point, if you consider how valuable this figment can be when sold at the right time.

Obviously, the full story is much more complex. But that doesn’t invalidate these very fundamental dynamics. If you feel like this is your kind of game and are prepared for the possibility of losing every last bit of your investment – go ahead and join the ride.2 It can be speculated that we have not seen the last of those bubbles, because they are so insanely profitable. Just be warned that the big players will always be a few steps ahead.

The blockchain is revolutionary technology that is here to stay. But the crypto market in its current manifestation is not re-balancing the global wealth distribution – it is making things worse!

It is true that almost anyone could become a Millionaire within this system. But certainly not everyone. And that’s one more thing you can bet on: The ones who got lucky didn’t bite their shiny new million off some big tycoon shark’s bank account. They withdrew it from countless poor fucks that now lost everything on a dream that wasn’t theirs to catch.

Imagine the financial world like an ocean of money we’re all sailing on. Strangely enough all those boats swimming in that sea of liquidity are fueled by cash. Many captains spend their lives building on their ever extending massive Moloch of a ship trying to somehow make enough room for all the cash that’s flowing in so they wont sink. My own boat however I prefer to fuel with no more funds than are needed to steer around.

May you always do what you fear to do

~ Elliot Hulse

I sometimes make myself do things I’m afraid of. Is that making me do things I don’t want to do? Is thinking to want them or wanting them helping to overcome the fear? Is overcoming the fear making me think that I want them? How can I overcome the fear of doing things just for the sake of overcoming fears? How can I overcome the fear of not doing things to avoid doing them just for the sake of overcoming that fear? How can ^C<(stop right there!)>

Drugs are cool!

That’s a sad truth. In mainstream culture whether you take drugs is mostly regarded as a lifestyle choice. The use is attuning your personality for how it appears to yourself and others. In this function drug use acts as a socialization agent which eases connecting to foreigners and can provoke recognition or even respect among peers.

Tobacco as an example probably derives most appeal from this within western culture. It suggests to perceive you as more exciting, rough, adventurous, or classy. You can see such traits as the predominate message in most cigarette advertisements. Hence this can also be considered a big factor for psychological drug addiction in general. If you feel like you can’t stop smoking, your ego might be struggling with the fear of losing one of its strong building blocks. From there it also becomes obvious why the risk of addiction is so much higher during adolescence.

I can’t pretend that I’m above those silly games. I’d very much like to be. But things like that are hard to escape, especially when a lot of people keep reflecting an image that arises out of expectations coming from such ideas. But I assume it to be among the most limiting factors that hinders powerful tools to unfold their true potential to the evolution of human existence.

But since this world is ruled by more logic based entities there is not much interest in such thing. Hence the widespread prohibition1 of any psychoactive with high potential for insightful experience and hence the common image of drug use as merely some sort of rebellious act. But if even the users tend to2 tint their self-perceived reasons with this image then there is not much benefits to reap for anyone.

Being against something is a rather poor reason for indulging in psychotropics. A much better incentive would be to tap into these foreign realms with the desire of gaining invaluable insights for spiritual growth. Personally and collectively.

A possibly entirely irrelevant thought experiment

What if we could emulate Darwinist evolution in a digital environment?
The methodology of evolution in this theory can arguably be broken down to merely two basic principles: Change is brought by chance, random mixture and mutation of the information contained within the genotype, followed by a process of selection causing the more successful changes to persist while sorting out the others. This in turn leads to the impression of a directed development, which it actually is, but in an indirect way.

Now couldn’t we take those two principles and build them into a virtual system? For real randomness an external source can be used, e.g. a radioactive compound. How the data is modeled, how mutations can be applied to it and how the selection process needs to be designed are more tricky questions, directly related to the goal, that should be achieved. They determine the characteristics of the simulation.
Each iteration yields a new generation of data on which the process is recursively reapplied until infinity, or until the expected improvements of each new generation fall below a defined threshold, which means the data has reached the desired quality.

For sake of simplicity let’s explain this with a very basic example: Think of a chess problem, white wins with a certain number of moves. Let’s assume we are playing against a perfect opponent that makes no mistakes.
We start by randomly picking one of the available legal chess moves in each turn, creating a chain of moves until the end of the game. Doing this will most likely result in very dumb “play” and defeat. We then create numerous offspring from our parent data by randomly replacing any of the moves with others, and then evaluate the results as well as the parent. If all move chains cause us to lose the game, we take the data where we lasted the most number of moves before checkmate as a new parent, mutate, evaluate, and so on.
Eventually one of the move chains will lead to our opponents kings demise. All loser chains can now be discarded, as we have basically reached a new genus, the winning chain. Now we reverse the comparison and look for the chain with the shortest amount of moves to checkmate. At some point we will get an optimal solution to the problem. Further randomization won’t bring any improvements and will therefore be discarded.

Of course this example is not very useful, because we usually already know the solution to this kind of problem and even if not, we could utilize that “perfect opponent” to calculate our winning strategy. On top of that, it will perform poorly because the design is rather bad. However much more complex implementations of other problems with unknown outcomes shouldn’t be impossible to engineer.
In theory the concept could be taken one step further by taking completely random input data, and simply run it on the machine to test if it makes any kind of sense. This would require strong encapsulation and solid error handling of the runtime environment, otherwise the behavior would be completely unpredictable which usually translates to an instant crash. And for evaluation a highly sophisticated system would be required that, depending on the semantics of “making sense”, may lie beyond the capabilities of software architecture.

Now with this concept we just constructed, we can make some interesting observations:
The data structures reside inside their own confined system, which itself is subordinate to our world and incorporates a subset of our world’s rules. In other words, the awareness scope of the data is confined to the boundaries of the system it is contained in. The only possible connection to the higher world is through projection from sensory peripherals connected to the machine. Yet, while unable to become aware of it, the data models do exist in our world as well, are observable for us and do usually serve a higher purpose for this external world.

I guess by now you are aware of the parallels I am drawing here. It’s a very rough and incomplete concept but in my opinion it poses an interesting approach to ponder about the fabric of reality and where we stand in the greater cosmic everything.
It also provides a typical argument for the existence of (a) god. While it might be statistically possible for such a system to spontaneously pop into existence, it still seems just extremely implausible. As an agnostic this actually makes me believe it to be more likely that some kind of higher level entity has enabled our existence. But where is this leading? Would that entity be put into place by yet another superordinate force? And there are still other ways to think about this, like if we were to assume that absolutely every possibility actually exists, well, we’d also have to.

In any case, what also can be derived from this is yet another suggestion why there are things that we just don’t understand and maybe never will.
But rest assured that we won’t ever stop trying :]

Why I love mushrooms

Because they make you free.
Free of fabricated believe systems posed on you by civilization madness of every day.
Free of the thought that your quality of life depends on how well you fit into the game of social alignment and your reputation with those playing that game more successfully.

That is the reason why people are so afraid of psychedelics.
They don’t want to be free, because being free for once could make them realize how much they are trapped in their own little self constructed world.

I want to be free. But I can’t do it on my own, because my mind has been programmed by my perceptions of the society around me. All my life I’ve been subliminally taught what one should or should not do, what’s desirable, what’s the right path to a proper life. No one ever told me it was all a huge pile of shit.
That’s the real cancer. We are chasing the wrong ideals, brown-nosing our superiors that are even more fixated on their hunt for this ill defined success.

Mushrooms can help breaking down those mental structures to shake off the cognitive cage we all life in. In my own little believe system, getting rid of this mental obfuscation leads to the most blissful and profound state that any human being can ever experience.
It leads to the basic essence, the truth.

The truth has no meaning.
The truth yields no answers, because there are no questions.
The truth simply is.